

Proovige kirjeldada armastust, igatsust, viimast teekonda avamerele viimase päikesetõusu saatel.

Candida Clark oskab tundeid edasi anda nagu pole ma veel kohanud kedagi teist tegevat. Väljendusrikas, sensuaalne, endasse haarav - fiktsioon, mis puudutab hinge sügavamaid soppe. Tõeliselt hea lugemine.

'And so here I am, skewed right round and angling for remorse but finding none, not one slip of regret to catch me out and make me falter. There's only this haloed vision of infinite remoteness; the place I've spent my whole life attached to, my feet plumb down into the earth as though it were the only place I belonged, and yet the whole thing now diminished to a painted blackdrop of unimportance. Because it never belong to me, nor I to it. I only ever belonged to him. He was my homeland, the soil I grew up in, the ocean I swam in. And it's as though this plain fact is a risen bread just handed out the sky - fantastic-seeming, like something read about it yet never tasted.'

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